ReConnect Therapy
Healing- “Does Not Mean The Damage Never Existed. It Means The Damage No Longer Controls Our Lives”

Alternative Approaches to Supporting Individuals With Early Onset Dementia:
Enhancing Quality of Life Through Hypnosis
Research has found that hypnosis can slow down the impacts of early onset dementia and improve quality of life for Alzheimer patients in seven main areas:
Concentration on daily tasks thus retaining valued independence
Relaxation thereby reducing fear and anxiety which is a common features
Motivation, which helps to avoid depressive states
Undertaking daily activities and keeping active
Short term memory retention
Memory for significant life events
Socialization, thereby avoiding the tendency for self-isolation and depression.
The Research
Dr Daniel Nightingale conducted extensive research in collaboration with Dr Simon Duff who at the time was based at the University of Liverpool.
Their scientific based research found that hypnosis can slow down the impacts of dementia, and improve the quality of life for those living with the condition.
Investigation was undertaken into the effects of hypnosis on people living with dementia and compared this to mainstream health care methods. They also looked at how hypnosis compared to a type of group therapy where participants were asked to discuss news and current affairs.
The research found that people living with dementia who had received hypnosis showed an improvement in 7 key areas over a 9 month research period, and continued benefits seen during a longitudinal study conducted 12 months later.
Conversely, over the 9 month period of weekly sessions it became clear that participants attending the discussion group remained the same throughout. The group who received their treatment as usual showed a small decline over the same time period.
However those receiving regular hypnosis sessions showed real improvement across the areas listed below.
Improved focused concentration.
Short term memory improvements.
Better memory recall of important events.
Improved socialization.
Increased confidence to carry out daily activities.
Reduced levels of anxiety.
Increased self-motivation.
Dr Nightingale explains that ‘evidence to date has shown that we can enhance the quality of life for people living with dementia through the correct use of hypnosis’. The Nightingale Dementia Consultants Hypnotherapy and Brain Health Coaching Diploma is now available.
Why Hypnotherapy?
Dr Dan Nightingale, co-author of the research and leading dementia consultant at the Abacus Clinic in Newark, added: “Evidence to date has shown that we can enhance the quality of life for people living with dementia through the correct use of hypnosis. We have now developed a course for clinicians who wish to incorporate hypnosis into health care plans.”
Why Reconnect Therapy Australia for your loved ones Dementia Care?
Before starting any of the hypnosis, all individuals are to receive an individual consultation by Wendy McNish so their hypnosis is given individually adjusted to accommodate them in a way they understand.
As known by many, hypnosis is a state of focus and feeling at ease in the mind and the body follows. This helps the people involved to relax enough to be able to focus on staying out of the depressive stages in Dementia as much as possible. Keeping out of depression means the people involved can focus on motivation which in turn improves socialization and daily activities.
When it comes to helping with memory loss, Wendy McNish and her colleague Paul Harrison focus on combing through the cognitive modes and the context of the situation. Dealing with the cognitive modes is to deal with how memory is stored for that particular individual; auditory, visual, sensory, written. The more improved this becomes, the better the memory becomes as it will last longer. Even the smallest improvement counts for a person with Dementia or Alzheimer’s.
Hypnosis doesn’t cure Dementia or Alzheimer’s, but studies have shown it can reduce the stages or effects it has on the person who follow the plan put in place for them.
Keeping any individual in a less depressive state is one of the more important parts of this as depression can lead to negativity in all directions and do more harm than someone who is motivated and positive.
Ultimately, hypnosis brings that motivation to light and helps those with Dementia and Alzheimer’s enjoy a happy and healthier life as they can be.